Ripe Community
Pure Catskills, Watershed Ag Council, Food and Health Network of South Central NY, CADE, CCE Delaware County and Delaware County Chamber of Commerce have worked together to help launch this database system that searches for food by type by zip location. We are just launching this to businesses (soliciting people to join to populate). What sets this system (unlike all the other ones we’ve produced, including the one I produced) is that everyone is working together to get the widest amount of food and beverage related businesses in one database. That database will be available to easily add to any website (the same code can go on the tourism site as the County government site). Delaware County is the first county that this will be rolling out in and then it will go regional, state wide and then Country wide. It will be a way to search for food whether it be looking for prepared food (restaurants), farms, beverages, grocery store, etc. It takes about one minute for a business to register and we are currently asking businesses to join. Just visit and will be rolling out for consumers next week. This is just a request for businesses that maybe interested in adding themselves now. Full details when we have a good amount of businesses to launch.
For privacy issues, the businesses must add themselves. Please join if you can and as soon as I have code for the website to include on your site, I’d love for you to add it if appropriate.