Key to a healthy community is housing. In a region that ranks as one of the poorest in the state and the northern-most part of Appalachia, the per capita income is low, and not everyone can afford a $250,000 home on a mountain. A strong second homeowner market can pose challenges for local first-time buyers. Other issues include affording key maintenance. MARK’s housing programs focus on safe, affordable housing to build a resilient population.
Home Ownership Assistance
Over a quarter of a century MARK has helped more than 35 families and individuals purchase homes. We provide assistance with down payments and closing costs as well as mandatory rehab work needed to bring a structure up to code.
Home Repair Program
We’ve helped with windows, roofs, porches, insulation, accessibility ramps and bathrooms, everything but the kitchen sink.

Affordable Housing
The MARK Project began working on affordable housing in 1989 with the opening of 10 Church Street in Arkville. That was followed by building affordable senior and family housing with Mountain Laurel Gardens and the Golden Seal Building in Roxbury. Today MARK continues to manage 10 Church Street and its eight apartments.